Ma Yuan after the revolution -Tens of thousands of hectares of Yangtze RiverLeaf springs of Dongfeng and Jiefang trucks
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Ma Yuan after the revolution -Tens of thousands of hectares of Yangtze RiverLeaf springs of Dongfeng and Jiefang trucks

100x 400 x 1000 cm
Hundreds of the disused leaf springs from Dongfeng and Jiefang trucks with their ends curling up are densely interlaced, as if waves. In the center of the water surface formed by the leaf springs
is a special set of springs. One end of the springs is closely touching the floor, while the other end
tilts highly above, giving the impression of great pressure by some heavy objects. Between the
two sets lies a reed with flowers at the tip and a brush pen at the end. Legends say that Dharma
crossed the Yanzi River on a reed, that's the story of cross the river on a single reed.